Néhány beállítás, videós segítség a cs2 configok hoz a nagy részét, saját és a társak tapasztalatai alapján állítottuk össze. Remélhetőleg segít nektek is.

Cs2 bindsgenerator

Talán a legkönnyebben használható !


Néhány Profik által használt Célkereszt

Nicolai ‘dev1ce’ Reedtz: CSGO-yxFut-M6Vka-p4GAf-X5yZT-ey3JE

Denis ‘deko’ Zhukov: CSGO-9GVqi-ixpNa-JuGa8-ae6hd-H7xDK

Ilya ‘m0NESY’ Osipov: CSGO-hzrMn-jXu8b-R7VH4-hQ9aa-OnMHA

Owen ‘smooya’ Butterfield: CSGO-i2z3i-7o4Qx-u7R8Z-oMHCb-tOUnB

Abdul ‘degster’ Gasanov: CSGO-i6W7e-7dNbB-7u2hV-vwvQd-97DRE

Marcelo ‘coldzera’ David: CSGO-3Ppuw-omUQp-VYbMN-CKMnA-frPcF

Gabriel ‘FalleN’ Toledo: CSGO-TpORA-p9Ley-TLQ3P-HzXJY-U9z6A

Jacky ‘Stewie2K’ Yip: CSGO-QVV9H-dfdPZ-G97WJ-E3SxF-tHwzF

Aleksi ‘Aleksib’ Virolainen: CSGO-Jp4hk-AfzML-FcpUT-2pfxZ-kSLoD

Håvard ‘rain’ Nygaard: CSGO-mbppN-WGdqq-XeBH8-bmdyV-fxwPB

Finn ‘karrigan’ Andersen: CSGO-CP44i-z2D7K-dpJhE-TvPaj-MaMbM

Helvijs ‘broky’ Saukants: CSGO-2uABj-Rr3dC-yhVt3-bXe8v-tDu8O

Mathieu ‘ZywOo’ Herbaut: CSGO-Qzpx5-BRLw8-xFPCS-hTns4-GHDhP

Olekszandr „s1mple” Kosztiljev: CSGO-RiaU3-DDuB5-rCqXD-GUhfw-pevvE

Fov Viewmodell beállitási parancsok


Range 54 – 68
This command allows you to set the field of view (FOV) for your character’s viewmodel. A higher value will increase the FOV and show more of the player’s surroundings, while a lower value will decrease the FOV showing a more zoomed-in view.


Range -2.5 – 2.5
This command sets the horizontal offset of your viewmodel, which is the representation of your character’s hand and weapon in first-person view. Positive values will move the viewmodel to the right, while negative values will move it to the left.


Range -2 – 2
This command adjusts the vertical position of your viewmodel. Positive values result in upward movement of the viewmodel, while negative values result in downward movement.


Range -2 – 2
This command sets the depth offset of your viewmodel, which is the representation of your character’s hand and weapon in first-person view. Positive values will move the viewmodel closer to the character, while negative values will move it farther away.


Range 1 – 3
This command include three pre made positions for your viewmodel.
1 = Desktop
2 = Couch
3 = Classic

Gyakorló mod


Range 0 / 1
This command gives permission for cheat codes to be used on the practice server.


Range 0 – 25
This command sets the maximum allowed difference in team sizes in the game. By adjusting this value, you can control how many more players one team can have compared to the other.


Range 0 / 1
This command automatically balances the number of players on each team to ensure that the number of players on each team is relative.


Range 0 – 60
This command sets the number of minutes that a round takes. Use decimals for seconds.


Range 0 – 60000
This command controls the upper limit of how much money you can carry.


Range 0 – 60000
This command adjusts how much money you have at the beginning of a match.


Range 0 – 60
This command controls for how long you are frozen in spawn at the beginning of each round. When set to 0 the initial freeze period is eliminated, allowing you to move as soon as the round begins.


Range 0 / 1
This command forces the warmup period to end, immediately starting the game.


Range 0 – 999
This command controls how long you can access the buy menu after the round has begun.


Range 0 / 1
This command allows you to purchase weapons and grenades from any location on the map.


Range 0 – 5
This command controls the number of grenades you can carry. When set to 5 you can carry all grenades at once.


Range 0 / 1
This command turns on limitless ammunition and eliminates the need to reload.

sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview 1

This command gives a preview of where the grenade will land.


Range 0 – 60
This command draw and show the grenade trajectory line for X seconds


Range 0 – 60
This command draw and show the grenade trajectory line for X seconds for any spectators



Range 0 – 1000
This command controls the size of the lines that make up your crosshair in the game. A lower value will make your crosshair lines thinner, while a higher value will make them thicker.


Range -2 – 2
This command adjusts the size of the hole in the middle of your crosshair. A smaller value will make the hole smaller, while a larger value will make it bigger.


Range 0 – 255
This command controls how visible your crosshair is on the screen. A lower value will make it less visible, while a higher value will make it more visible.


Range 0.1 – 3.0
This command changes the thickness of the lines that make up your crosshair.


Range 0 – 4
This console command changes the color of your crosshair.


Range 0 / 1
This command puts a dot in the center of your crosshair. If you set the crosshair size to 0, you will only see the dot.


Range 1 – 5
This command sets the shape of your crosshair and whether or not it changes when your character moves.


Range 0 / 1
This command enables or disables a black outline around your crosshair. This will increase the visibility of the crosshair.


Range 0.1 – 3 
This useful console command controls the thickness of the black outline around your crosshair.


Range 0 / 1
This command makes your crosshair look like a “T” shape by not drawing the top line. When the command is set to 0 you will see a normal crosshair type.



Range 0.25 – 1
This command allows you to adjust the size of the radar displayed in your game, giving you more control over how much of the map you can see at one time. A lower value will make the radar appear more zoomed in, while a higher value will make it appear more zoomed out. Many players use this command to zoom out their radar for a better overall view of the map.


Range 0.8 – 1.3
This command controls the amount of space on your HUD that is occupied by the radar. You can adjust the scale to make the radar take up more or less space in your field of view.


Range 0/1
This command determines if your radar is always centered on your location, or if it moves with your camera view. Turning this feature off can be useful, as it allows you to see more of your surroundings when you’re near the edges of the map.


Range 0/1
This command toggles whether or not the radar rotates as you move your camera view. Some players find that disabling this feature makes it easier to use the radar, as it remains in a fixed position.


Range 0.4 – 1.25
This command allows you to adjust the size of your character dot on the radar, giving you more control over how easily you can spot your location on the map.


Range 0/1
This command determines the shape of the radar when the scoreboard is open. A value of 0 will cause the radar to remain in a circle shape, while a value of 1 will change it to a square.



Range: 0 – 10
This command changes the color of your HUD . The number you input represents a specific color.


Range: 0.95 – 1.10
This command changes the size of the HUD. It can be adjusted to suit your personal preferences or screen resolution.

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